Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage you to contact us for more information or if you are
interested in becoming a part of our organization and ministry.
You may reach us at:
Phone: (601) 883-0570
Mail: Hope, Help, & Healing, Inc., P.O. Box 821074, Vicksburg, MS, 39182
Or send us an e-mail at
We believe that all truly godly
people have a sincere desire to prevent abortion by all peaceful means. We prayerfully encourage personalcontact
with us for more information on how to assist.
Hope, Help, & Healing, Inc. is
a 501( c ) 3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
We have provided a link for online
contributions at the Click & Pledge link above.
We also desire to help others duplicate our efforts
nationwide and worldwide, and would greatly desire your assistance, ideas, and support.
The following is a list of needed items for the areas
of Mississippi and Louisiana:
- Land for development of Facilities
- Already constructed facility to provide adequate and
expanded housing for our clients
- Furnishings for facilities: beds, chests, towels,
linens, etc.
- Monetary resources for building and/or remodeling
a structure
- Clothing suitable for pregnant women, all sizes
- Food items to help compensate the "foster care families"
Please Help Save The Life of an Unborn Child!
I know that God works through people. I also know that there are those people who have been greatly blessed
with wealth, health, and goodness that desire to assist a ministry such as Hope, Help, & Healing! It is true that
we have survived and expanded, but only because of the grace and mercy of God. Our base of "anti-abortion" supporters
is extensive and the network of other agencies with which we cooperate is large, but 99.99% of all the expenses are from our
own personal resources. Our resources are modest and limited.
We humbly and honestly expend our lives to help these women and babies because it is the godly
and right thing to do!
If you are such a person, we with humility and dependence upon the Lord, ask that you consider sharing with
our ministry. If two people can effect the saving of seventy-two babies in four years, how many more can be saved
if we have greater assistance? Please pray!
You may donate, as a tax deductible gift, any old,
used, or new car, truck, van, bus, boat, tractor, or any type vehicle that you no longer want. Your donation will be
picked up at no charge to you. Please contact us at